The episode drops on Funimation on Sunday night, March 20. Not surprisingly, the original English dub cast of Attack on Titan will return for the second half of The Final Season. Season 4 Episode 22’s Dub Drops on Funimation on Sunday Night, March 20 Funimation is the only legal way to stream the new Attack on Titan English dubs legally, unless you have a cable or satellite subscription, which we’ll explain in the section below. They're around a month behind their subbed counterparts, so expect episode 87's English dub to drop in late April or early May. Subscriber gain, reaches, views attackontitanseason4english on Telemetrio. Starting with Episode 76, fans can now look forward to two episodes of Attack on Titan: The Final Season every Sunday night when screening through Funimation and Crunchyroll. Attack on Titan: Shingeki no kyojin 24min 8.8 IMDB Genres: Animation, Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy 720p English Dub & Sub Anime: TrendingAnimeOfficial Group: AnimeDiscussionClub DM for Paid Promotion - atulsinghofficial.

The English dub episodes will air after the current episode is broadcast.