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Weiss decided to surprise viewers by having Maisie Williams' Arya kill the Night King, despite (or rather, because of) everyone assuming it would be Jon's task. Later in that episode, creators David Benioff and D.B. Related: Game Of Thrones: How Much Of Euron’s Book Story Did The Night King Steal? Finally, in "The Long Night", it seems like the pair are finally about to fight, only for the Night King to surround Jon with wights instead. The pair would come into close quarters again in season 7's "Beyond the Wall", where the stage was once again seemingly set for a showdown between the pair. After narrowly escaping the White Walkers in a desperate bid for survival after attempting to rescue the Wildlings, Jon sails away back to the Night's Watch, while the Night King stares him down and raises the dead. Game of Thrones started teasing a climactic battle between Jon Snow (Kit Harington) and the Night King back in season 5's episode "Hardhome".

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As the leader of the White Walkers, he represented the coming of winter and the possible end of humanity itself. We know that he was once flesh-and-blood, but we don't know whose flesh-and-blood.The much-anticipated duel between Jon Snow and the Night King never materialized in Game of Thrones season 8, but who would've win if they did fight? First introduced in season 4, the Night King (originally played by Richard Brake, and then Vladimir Furdik) emerged as one of Game of Thrones' biggest villains as the HBO show approached its endgame. We know that he's intent on fighting the descendants of the First Men, but we don't know why. We know that he's capable of recruiting the recently deceased to his cause, but we don't know how. From flashbacks, we know that he was once one of the First Men who was magically transformed by the Children of the Forest to become the blue-eyed villain now poised to invade the domain of the living. This frosty and silent figure has been slowly leading an army of the dead southwards to the Wall - mankind's last defence against the mysterious perils of the most northern tip of Westeros. But before the show shuffles into the cold, dark night like a marching White Walker, there's still the small matter of figuring out what the hell is going on with one of its most terrifying and fascinating characters: the Night King. From Vikings to Outlander, Game of Thrones' departure from our small screens leaves many pretenders to the Iron Throne in its wake.

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Martin's novel series of the same name, the show reinvigorated interest in the high fantasy genre that really only the likes of old favorites like Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and C.S Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia have ever managed to draw. Winter has finally come for HBO's smash-hit fantasy series, Game of Thrones, with the upcoming eighth season set to be its last.

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